Saturday, June 4, 2022

How To Keep Your Audience At Attention When Speaking


In almost all gatherings (conventions, alumni homecomings, commencement exercises, fund raising or awarding ceremonies), guest speakers are usually invited to highlight the occasion.

To make the gathering memorable, guest speakers are selected for a certain reason, some according to their popularity and accomplishments.

As much as possible, the speaker’s profession or line of achievement must be in some way related to the occasion.

Let’s say the occasion is a convention of home developers. The likely guest speaker to grace it could be a famous in the housing market, well known and respected by the city and state.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

To impart a lasting impression to the audience, a speaker must find ways to keep the attention glued to his speech.

If it so happens that you are the invited guest speaker of a gathering, the suggestions below may help to keep your audience listening instead of walking around or doing something else.

1. Speak in a clear, crisp, comprehensible voice with an enthusiastic tone. Avoid mumbling. Try not to eat the words as if there’s a gum in your mouth.

2. Your speech should be in consonance with the aim of the gathering, touching on...

      3. More speakers prepare a list of the issues they want to touch on instead of a speech            prepared and read (or memorized) word for word. A spontaneous speech aligned on the          ideas prepared or written on the list is projected more naturally.

4. Inject humor into your speech to keep the audience attentive and waiting for more. Studies reveal that, when humor is involved, audiences find the speaker interesting to listen to. But be aware not to go beyond the line of humor because this may unintentionally embarrass others or be misunderstood by them. This might raise comments that criticize your speech. Try your best to avoid criticism.

5. When you raise an issue, one of the best ways to project it is by citing instances or examples. Correlate the example and the issue clearly.

6. Suppose the gathering was organized to save an industry or boost the morale of those that will be directly and indirectly affected by it. Try your best to deliver an inspiring speech. A speech filled with positive thoughts, like projecting a bright tomorrow, can turn a depressive mood into an enthusiastic one. If you are well versed on the industry with a solution to offer to suppress its downtrend, then say it.

7. Audience participation may seem to turn your speech into a discussion, but it is one way to confirm effectiveness of what you are saying or offering.

8. Image how the industry will look like 5 or 10 years from now on a positive flight. Be specific and realistic in your projection. If hard work is called for, say so.

9. Leave a lasting, meaningful message as you wrap up your speech.

A speech that leaves the audience thinking long after the speech has been made will also leave the audience remembering the speaker for a long time.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 



Friday, June 3, 2022

How To Build A Website With Funny Videos

 Early on, there were only comic books and video tapes that people brooded over to have a good laugh, but today there are so many websites available for the same. These websites are filled with funny crazy pictures, funny video clips and allow the user to surf through and watch any video they wish to. They can either watch the top rated ones or specify a search keyword and look for that one particular video. However, building a funny video website is not as easy as it seems. If an individual wants to create a website, they need to go through a rigorous process. And so, you can imagine the amount of details involved for a company to launch a website. Their main content would be based on humor and interactive flash games only.

Once a company decided to get into the funny video website category, they will need to assess the other websites already existing in the market and what they can offer that isn't already there. As they discuss these issues with their team, they will also have to touch base with a good web hosting company to figure out if they can use their domain for the upcoming website. A funny videos website consumes a lot of bandwidth, so a dedicated server is usually required for hosting. The one thing to keep in mind is that every step of the way takes a lot of effort, so one must have a clear cut budget before delving into this pool.

Tools to help you get started:

Webhosting Click Here:

Autoresponder to capture emails and grow a list of potential buyers Click Here:


A website needs bright appealing colors, simple easy to use layout and most importantly content that will catch the eye of the person browsing through the site. If they find it interesting, they will stop and spend couple of more minutes, else will move on to other websites. A good PHP or ASP programmer can do the customized coding and put in all the necessary links, but it is difficult to find someone who will understand your needs and create a site that satisfies your dreams. The funny images and videos that you put in your site should be unique and be humorous. Some also have the html code for the video to be embedded in other websites, like MySpace or Blogs. This will help your site stand out among the crowd and get people to notice it. Finding interested people to contribute to the funny crazy pictures, flash animation videos will take time for a start up venture.

Will there be categories to sort the videos into? For example, if a person wants to upload videos about his dogs, will your sites have a category labeled Dog Videos? This will come in handy when a new visitor is looking for funny videos related to dogs. This makes it easier for them to navigate through your site and find what interests them, making them stick around longer to browse the other features on your site.

Some of the crazy pictures and funny video clips on other sites have the option for the viewer to rate the video, and post a comment. These are added features that allow the user to feel important making them come back to the site. The company should therefore think through their plan and get their facts together before putting their site out to the public. And if it is not interesting, or the pictures aren't funny enough, you will have lost a prospective member. It is therefore advisable for the company to spend time in doing their research to try and come up with an idea to outdo the other funny video websites.

Tools to help you get started:

Webhosting Click Here:

Autoresponder to capture emails and grow a list of potential buyers Click Here:


Thursday, June 2, 2022

100 Best Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for Today, Tomorrow, & Forever

 100 Best Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for Today, Tomorrow, & Forever will inspire, motivate, and persuade you to be the best you can in your personal and business journey. Positive thinking, motivation, inspiration, and and a daily game plan have taken many people much further than those that may have an abundance of talent but no directional compass.

At a price so low we are almost giving it away.

Click Here:

10 Simple Steps to Self-Motivation and Potentially More Sales

 Every day of your life you are selling yourself, nothing happens until you’re successful at doing that.

We’re all in the selling business whether we like it or not. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a lawyer or an accountant, a manager or a politician, an engineer, or a doctor.

We all spend a great deal of our time trying to persuade people to buy our product or service, accept our proposals or merely accept what we say.

Before you get better at persuading or influencing other people – you need to get better at self-motivation and selling yourself.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

Here are 10 simple steps to self-motivation:

#1 – You must believe in the product

Selling yourself is pretty much like selling anything. Firstly, you need to believe in what you’re selling. That means believing in “you.” It’s about lots of positive self-talk and the right attitude.

The first thing people notice about you is your attitude. If you’re like most people then you’ll suffer from lack of confidence from time to time.

It really all comes down to how you talk to yourself. The majority of people are more likely to talk to themselves negatively than positively – this is what holds them back in life.

It isn’t just about a positive attitude; it’s about the right attitude – the quality of your thinking.

Successful people have a constructive and optimistic way of looking at themselves and their work. They have an attitude of calm, confident, positive self-expectation. They feel good about themselves and believe that everything they do will lead to their inevitable success.

If you’re in a sales job or a business owner or a manager, then you need to continually work on your attitude. You need to listen to that little voice inside your head. Is it saying you’re on top, going for it and confident, or is it holding you back?

If you’re hearing – “I can’t do this or that” or “They won’t want to buy at the moment” or “We’re too expensive” then you’d better change your self-talk or change your job.

Start to believe in yourself and don’t let things that are out with your control effect your attitude.

Avoid criticizing, condemning and complaining and start spreading a little happiness.

Remember the saying of Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company – “If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe you can’t, in either case you’re probably right.”

#2 – The packaging must grab attention

Like any other product we buy, the way the product is packaged and presented will influence the customer’s decision to buy.

Everything about you needs to look good and you must dress appropriately for the occasion. And don’t think that just because your customer dresses casually, that they expect you to dress the same way.

The style and colour of the clothes you wear, your spectacles, shoes, briefcase, watch, the pen you use, all make a statement about you.

#3 – Smile

No need to get carried away, you don’t need a big cheesy grin, just a pleasant open face that doesn’t frighten people away.

#4 – Use names

Use the customer’s name as soon as you can but don’t overdo it. Business is less formal nowadays however be careful of using first names initially. Make sure your customer knows yours and remembers it. You can do the old repeat trick - “My name is Bond, James Bond” or “My name is James, James Bond”

#5 – Watch the other person

What does their body language tell you? Are they comfortable with you or are they a bit nervous? Are they listening to you or are their eyes darting around the room? If they’re not comfortable and not listening, then there’s no point telling them something important about your business.

Far better to make some small talk and more importantly -get then to talk about themselves.

It’s best to go on the assumption that in the first few minutes of meeting someone new, they won’t take in much of what you say. They’re too busy analyzing all the visual data they’re taking in.

#6 – Listen and look like you’re listening.

Many people, particularly men, listen but don’t show that they’re listening. The other person can only go on what they see, not what’s going on inside your head. If they see a blank expression then they’ll assume you’re “out to lunch.”

The trick is to do all the active listening things such as nodding your head, the occasional “UH-HUH” and the occasional question.

#7 – Be interested.

If you want to be INTERESTING, then be INTERESTED. This really is the most important thing you can do to be successful at selling yourself.

Most people are very concerned about their self-image. If they sense that you value them, that you feel that they’re important and worth listening to, then you effectively raise their self-image. If you can help people to like themselves then they’ll LOVE, you.

Don’t fall into the trap of flattering the other person, because most people will see right through you and they won’t fall for it. Just show some genuine interest in the customer and their business and they’ll be much more receptive to what you say.

#8 – Talk positively.

Don’t say – “Isn’t it a horrible day” or “Business is pretty tough at present” or anything else that pulls the conversation down. Say things like (and only the truth) – “I like the design of this office” or “I’ve heard some good reports about your new product.”

#9 – Mirror the other person

This doesn’t mean mimicking the other person, it just means you speaking and behaving in a manner that is similar to the customer.

For example, if your customer speaks slowly or quietly, then you speak slowly or quietly. Remember people like people who are like themselves.

#10 – Warm and friendly

If you look or sound stressed or aggressive then don’t be surprised if the other person gets defensive and less than willing to co-operate.

If you look and sound warm and friendly, then you’re more likely to get a positive response.

This isn’t about being all nicey-nicey. It’s about a pleasant open face or a warm tone over the telephone.

Before we can get down to the process of selling our product, our service or our ideas then we need to be as sure as we can be – that the customer has bought us and that we have their full attention.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

Why Do Successful People Set Goals For Themselves?

 All successful people set goals, so goal setting must be a worthwhile activity to do.

One on the main reasons why people set goals is because goals focus the mind and give it something to work towards. Goals are therefore like having a destination in life, and the things you do to achieve those goals are how you get there.

Without goals you will have no destination to go to, and so will be blown around like a leaf in the wind, never really going anywhere.

How To Write Goals?

When you have decided exactly what you want to achieve in certain areas of your life, such as romantic or financial, your next step is to write this in goal format.

Goal format simply means writing goals beginning with I have or I am, so they are written as if you have already accomplished them. This tells the mind exactly what you want to do so it can start working on achieve those goals.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

However if you were to write goals beginning with I will or I want then it is unlikely you will achieve those goals, as to the mind these statements will always be in the future and so will never come.

Set A Deadline

Once you have your goals written down, you must then create a deadline for you to do them by. Without a deadline you will not be motivated to achieve them, and so will most likely give up on them after awhile.

Make A Plan

After your goals have been written down you should then create a plan as to how you are going to do them. For example if your goal is to loose a certain amount of weight, then your plan would include activities you must do to loose that weight.

This can include things like exercising 4 days a week and eating healthy foods. But whatever you do, try to make your plan as specific as possible. Although dont worry about getting it right the first time round. You can always add to it later on.


Well that's really all there is to setting goals. Its nothing complicated, but it does require some initial time to be set aside so you can decide what goals you want to go after, and then how you will achieve them. These are the main principles of goal setting, and if you can follow these simple steps you will be well on your way to achieving them!

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

3 Steps to Performing Comfortably for a Crowd

 1. Don't neglect to practice. Whether you sing or play an instrument practice is the key to being relaxed. The more familiar you are with what you are performing, the less anxiety you will have about messing up.

2. Don't back up. Piano teaches pass this on all the time. If you mess up in the middle, or any place in your piece, don't back up and repeat the offending passage. Keep going. Chances are your audience didn't even notice.

3. Try not to be critical of your technical skill. Focus more on your overall performance. How does it sound as a whole? If you're a pianist and you worry during your piece about your fingering then you're ignoring the song and how it sounds. Worry about technicalities when you practice. Which should be often.

Learn to Sing:  Melanie Alexander is an Australian singer/songwriter/vocal coach, and television personality. She created the Singorama program after years of being in the music industry and addressing common concerns she encountered as well as others in her vocation.

Singorama is available by Clicking Here:

Learn To Play Piano: Why not learn from a highly rated and fun method > Click Here:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Best Free Photo Editing Software For Business Or Personal Use

 The wonder of the internet has also created the opportunity for the non-professional to learn and make sue of superlative software (often free).

We have the ability to record music and video, edit the contents, and share.  

The same goes for photo editing. You do not have to be a world class photographer to be able to make use of the software options.

Touching up an old photo, you are covered! Wanting to make a new picture look vintage, it is all at your fingertips. Taking out imperfections, adding light or dark, can be as easy as a mouse click.

The website Cyberlink has done a good job in listing the 5 Best Free Photo Editing Software (I have no affiliation).  You can reach them here:

Obviously, there are paid options as well. Sometimes when we begin a journey of hosting a website, creating content, and marketing the product (YouTube, Instagram, etc.), FREE is good.

Speaking of the above: 

Tools to help you get started:

Webhosting Click Here:

Autoresponder to capture emails and grow a list of potential buyers Click Here:


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Audio Recording & Editing (FREE) For Your Website, Podcast, Or Any Marketing

If you have a website or decide that you wish to create one, the ability to include audio can enhance your outreach.

Maybe, a Podcast would be perfect to be linked to the site.  Many have a lot to say but are unsure about the world of audio recording and editing.

These days there are a plethora of free audio programs that can handle the basic tasks of recording, editing, and or improving the quality of a music recording from yesteryear.

Tools to help you get started with a website:

Webhosting Click Here:

Autoresponder to capture emails and grow a list of potential buyers Click Here:


The majority of those using audio editing software do need to have scope of knowledge George Martin (Producer of The Beatles) possessed with his and their constant brilliance.

Some key functions would be:
1 Recording your voice.
2 Editing any mistakes or dead-air
3 Splitting one long file into multiple segments
4 Removing (when possible) pops/crackles/hiss from a musical recording (Think of old vinyl records)
5 Being able to insert part or all of another file into the current one you have open
6 The ability to SAVE The File in various formats (MP3 takes up less space but does not have the quality of FLAC or WAVE)

The link here is not promoting any of the audio software, but simply giving you a wealth of choices and information about the editors out there:

Don't let a new skill feel overwhelming. You will learn and absorb at your own pace and have fun while doing it.

Monday, May 30, 2022

What Is Affiliate Marketing and How does it Work?

 Affiliate Marketing is an advertising model in which a company/individual compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to use various methods (of the ethical and above-board type) of promoting the company or individual.

Affiliate Marketing can yield extraordinary awards for the publicizing organization and the partner advertiser. The organization benefits from minimal expense promoting and the imaginative showcasing endeavors of its associates, and the subsidiary advantages by procuring extra pay and motivators. The profit from speculation for member promoting is high as the organization just pays on traffic switched over completely to deals. The expense of promoting, if any, is borne by the associate.

Tools to help you get started:

Webhosting Click Here:

Autoresponder to capture emails and grow a list of potential buyers Click Here:


The publicizing organization sets the provisions of a member advertising program. From the get-go, organizations generally paid the expense per click (traffic) or cost per mile (impacts) on flag commercials. As innovation developed, the spotlight went to commissions on genuine deals or qualified leads. The early member advertising programs were helpless against misrepresentation since snaps could be created by programming, as could impressions.

Presently, most affiliate programs have severe agreements on the best way to produce leads. There are likewise sure restricted strategies, for example, introducing adware or spyware that divert all quest inquiries for an item to a partner's page. Some member showcasing programs venture to spread out how an item or administration is to be examined in the substance before a subsidiary connection can be approved.

So a successful member advertising program requires some thinking ahead. The agreements should be obviously explained, particularly assuming the agreement arrangement pays for traffic as opposed to deals. The potential for misrepresentation in partner promoting is conceivable.

Deceitful subsidiaries can attempt to crouch space names (Domain Squatting) with incorrect spellings and get a commission for the divert. They can populate online enlistment structures with counterfeit or taken data, and they can buy AdWords based on search conditions the organization as of now positions high on, etc. Regardless of whether the agreements are clear, a partner promoting program expects that somebody screen subsidiaries and implement rules. Unscrupulous behavior by the affiliate may work in the short term but with more sophisticated information available to the creator of the product, unethical behavior could easily result in the loss of the commissions and being banned from the platform. 

In return, notwithstanding, an organization can get to persuaded, imaginative individuals, to assist with offering their items or administrations to the world.

Affiliate Marketing will see those that are Unattached in their knowledge of a product or company and simply trying to earn a commission.

The Attached individual has a connection of some sort. For example if Jane and John Doe are promoting a software product or a type of clothing that have used for years, their words should be more believable. Using a website as an example. Their review of Such And Such Clothing or Any Software could resonate stronger with the reader, since it is from the heart.

Tools to help you get started:

Webhosting Click Here:

Autoresponder to capture emails and grow a list of potential buyers Click Here:


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Need Some Inspiration?

 Assuming you're feeling stuck and deadened, breathe easy because of the way that it happens to everybody occasionally. You can definitely relax, however, you can escape this downturn. Begin by defining an unmistakable objective, whether you need to compose a story, lay out an image, or take care of however an issue. Track down motivation from things in your day to day existence, and figure out how to be available to that motivation. Clear your psyche so you can take that motivation and transform it into steps to meet your objective.

Pay attention to music. It is really great for motivation since it's so complicated. It can place you in a superior close to home state for retaining data and assist you with unwinding. If you inquire of five people they may offer a dissenting view what type of music works best. The answer is simple, whatever is in your comfort zone. For some it is classical, others New Age, and obviously there is passion for Rock And Roll. Whatever your grove is, it can help jumpstart the day.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

At the point when you're more loose and in a superior outlook for learning, you're more open to groundbreaking thoughts that may be the ideal motivation for the issue you're dealing with.

Invest energy perusing. Perusing can motivate you by giving new considerations and thoughts. Peruse anything from books to reports, and you might find a thought or even a sentence in the message flashes motivation for you.

Find out about persuasive individuals. Have a go at perusing a collection of memoirs or a history of somebody well known who had an effect. On the other hand, look into recordings about them on the web or read pages committed to them.

We can't change the past but can shape the future. No time like the present to get inspired!

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Getting Motivated & Keeping The Inspiration 12 Months a Year

 In an ideal world we would all search out work jobs and conditions that we appreciate and subsequently keep our commitment high. Sadly, individuals frequently neglect to do this. For instance, my exploration shows that when found out if positive associations with partners and chiefs are basic in their ongoing position, a great many people say OK. However, they don't recollect that office confidence was vital to outcome in past positions, nor do they anticipate it will be significant for them later on. So essentially making sure to consider characteristic inspiration while picking position and taking on undertakings can go quite far toward supporting achievement.

In situations where that is illogical — we don't all secure positions and get tasks we love — try to zero in on the components of the work that you really do see as charming. Contemplate how achieving the errand may be fulfilling — by, for instance, allowing you an opportunity to grandstand your abilities before your organization's chiefs, fabricate significant interior connections, or make an incentive for clients. At long last, attempt to balance drudgery with exercises that you view as fulfilling — for example, pay attention to music while handling that large accumulation of email in your in-box, or do exhausting errands with companions, family, or your #1 partners.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Require New Year's goals. Individuals who made goals toward the beginning of January that were more wonderful to seek after — express, taking on a yoga class or telephone free Saturdays — were bound to in any case be completely finishing them in March than individuals who picked more-significant however less pleasant objectives. This is notwithstanding the conspicuous reality that desires for the New Year are generally hard to accomplish; on the off chance that they weren't, they wouldn't need a goal!

Support Progress

At the point when individuals are pursuing an objective, they ordinarily have an explosion of inspiration early and afterward droop in the center, where they are probably going to slow down. For example, in one review perceptive Jews were bound to light a menorah on the first and final evenings of Hanukkah than on the other six evenings, despite the fact that the strict practice is to light candles for eight progressive days. In another trial, members who were dealing with a paper-shape-compromising in the venture than they did on their underlying and last shapes.

Luckily, research has uncovered multiple ways of battling this example. I allude to the first as "short middles." If you break your objective into more modest subgoals — express, week after week rather than quarterly deals targets — there's less opportunity to capitulate to that bothersome rut.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Business Goals on a Personal Level

 Settle in Being Uncomfortable

It could appear to be somewhat of a platitude, yet getting outside your usual range of familiarity can have a lot of positive advantages. It could appear to be unnerving, however accomplishing something uncommon like talking in broad daylight or going to systems administration occasions can be a decent beginning. You can further develop your relational abilities and make noteworthy strides towards self-improvement.

In some cases getting outside your usual range of familiarity is just about tracking down ways of turning out to be better, even in the littlest of ways. It likewise permits you to understand that there are things about yourself you could have misjudged previously.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Get familiar with a New Skill

No one knows it all. There are dependably chances to learn and improve, and mastering another expertise is one method for doing that. You can meet new individuals and there are heaps of free courses and assets on the web.

Training doesn't need to be costly or tedious. Examine a few choices with your manager or work environment and check whether they offer any preparation.

Consider: Copywriting/Writing in general

Public Speaking

Project Management

Search Engine Optimization

Social Media Expertise 

Work on Your Focus

Figuring out how to block out interruptions and keep away from personal time can assist with expanding your efficiency. Attempt and mood killer your telephone or leave it in one more space while working. This will leave you less enticed to actually take a look at notices and surf through online entertainment.

It's hard to concentrate when you're worn out, so attempt and keep a solid work and life balance. This will assist with ensuring that you're stimulated and propelled when you return to work. You can likewise attempt to close off specific periods to snatch a bite or go for a stroll to get back to your work centered.

Work on your Online Image

There can be 1,000 complex components to remaining important web-based in the present computerized world. In any case, there are sure things you can do to assist with working on your web-based picture. Quite possibly the earliest thing you ought to do on the off chance that you haven't as of now is ensure you own your space name.

It very well may be your own or organization name, however attempt and ensure it's applicable to your business. You can likewise ponder putting resources into top notch headshots from an expert photographic artist. This will assist with making your online entertainment profiles and site stick out.

They will likewise give you something expert to ship off coordinators assuming you're talking at an occasion or showing up. Too, invest some energy assembling an arrangement of your best work.

You can share it on the web or post tests to your LinkedIn page. For instance, there are lots of free composing portfolio sites accessible that can simplify it and simple to move records.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Does Free Makes It Easy? – You’ve got to give to GET

  Why Free Makes It Easy – You’ve got to give before you get principle. Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type...