Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

What Is Innovation? It Is A State Of Mind


You probably know the myth of innovation as a sudden flash of insight that comes from nowhere. We read about that “aha” moment, or that light bulb turning on in the mind of some inventor or innovator, and this is true to an extent. Einstein really did get flashes of insight while shaving in the morning. However, he was of course working on the problems he had insight into, and he didn’t suddenly have ideas for new kitchen gadgets or movie plots.

Einstein’s innovations, in other words, no matter how “sudden” the original ideas were, came from past and present mental work. It is like a singer who works at his craft for ten years and then becomes an “overnight success.” Innovative people only have “sudden” new ideas because they have habitually worked and thought in certain ways for some time. If you want to become an innovative thinker, then, why not start cultivating those mental habits?

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Mental Habits Lead To Innovation

Problems can be opportunities. “Problem” may have a negative connotation, such as being a hassle or stressful, but any problem can lead to an innovation that improves our lives. Not knowing the time led to clocks small enough to put on our wrists. Nasty diseases lead to sanitary sewer systems. Start looking for opportunity in every problem. Even a mundane problem like not having enough storage space could lead to an innovation. You may just build a plywood floor in the attic, but you could invent a new type of outdoor storage unit.

Innovation begins with understanding the key elements. Metal, wood, or glass are not key elements of a door to an innovator. A way to get in, a way to keep others out – these are key elements. Begin with these, and soon you’re imagining new ways to make a door. You could design a door that is opened by your voice (nice when your hands are full), or one that shuts and locks itself when anyone else approaches. Think of the key elements in things.

Attitude helps innovation. The creative problem-solving technique of concept-combination involves combining two ideas to see what new idea or product results. The crucial point is that you assume there will be a useful new idea. Starting with that assumption, your mind will work overtime to produce something. A shoe and a CD have nothing to do with each other, but it took just a minute to imagine a CD player with headphones that only plays the music correctly if a jogger maintains his ideal pace. When you assume there is something there, you’ll often find something.

Playfulness helps innovation. A playful mind is a creative mind, and while high IQ doesn’t correlate with creativity, put it together with playfulness, and you have an Einstein. Remember, he imagined himself riding on a beam of light in order to arrive at his theory of relativity. Why not start playing with ideas and things, in your mind and in your surroundings. Innovation should be fun.

 Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Friday, June 10, 2022

What is Happiness? Can You Define It?


Happiness is one of the most commonly used words. We all say – the children look so happy. I am very happy today. You don’t look happy. Any reason? How to make a happy world? How to avoid sad feelings and feel happy? Which pill can help us? The discussion about happiness is endless. Does science give a common definition of happiness? General answers are available that say that happiness is a state when one feels good, elated, contented, good etc. Is happiness a lifelong gift or an emotion experienced for a short time.

If I win a lottery, I become happy. As I spend all the money, I become unhappy again. When you call me a good person, I feel happy and when you curse me, I feel very unhappy. If I look at the dead body of my old friend, I feel unhappy and when I look at laughing faces of children, I feel happy. We have no control. Outside forces and events control our emotions. We are all toys. That has no free will. This is difficult to believe but true.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Let us find out what is not happiness. Low self-esteem, feelings of despondency, sadness, guilt, helplessness, frustration, low interest, uncertainty, and all such negative emotions are not happy emotions. They rather make us unhappy. Now let us talk of what is happiness. Feeling good, cheerful outlook, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, satisfied living, enjoyment, and all such emotions that make us feel good are happy feelings

Is happiness same for all of us? If I give a certain amount to few people, some may become very happy, and some may become angry and some will not care either way. Am I making myself clear? Happiness is not something that we feel in equal measure. I may be very happy when I watch the star lit night, but you may enjoy only the bright sunshine. Each one of us has his/her own happiness.

Some of us are happy when we get a large amount of money, some when they can do lot of creative work, some when they can make others feel good and so on. All of us have our unique set of values and desires. We ourselves many times do not know about them. It becomes difficult therefore to know how to keep others happy and this ignorance causes most of interpersonal problems. These differences in our emotional reactions make us human beings.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Thursday, June 9, 2022

How To Build Self Confidence Today, Tomorrow, and....


There are very few people who could call themselves perfect and be right. Most of us need to build self-confidence today, but the majority just either ignore the issues or concentrate on the negatives: stress, worry, jobs, money problems and relationship issues. Concentrating on these areas drains our self-confidence rather than improving it.

If you could improve your self-confidence, you could make more money, look and feel better physically, or just be more relaxed with other people. Below there are five simple techniques that have been proved to help build self-confidence today.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

1. Talk to yourself. It sounds crazy but it works. All of us have a running monologue constantly in our heads, whether we realize it or not. Everything we see, hear, or touch sparks off an immediate dialog in our thoughts.

For those who lack confidence this monologue is filled with negative messages many of which are the negative side of adverts from television, radio, advertisement boardings, newspapers, and just overhearing other people talk.

These negative thoughts literally suck energy from our minds and bodies and block the flow of positive messages. We need to hear the positive messages as they will build self-confidence today and raise our self-esteem. Take control. Use your inner thoughts to talk to yourself in a positive manner, as often as you can.

As an example, one of my regular sayings is “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself”. I just repeat it for a couple of minutes. It sounds cheesy but does build self-confidence today Try it. I bet that if you go to the mirror right now and repeat out loud “I like myself!” 50 times, it will be impossible to keep from smiling.

2. Dress as smartly and as classily as you can. You won’t feel at your best if you don’t look your best. You will be amazed at just how much more confidence you will have just looking your best. It just feels good when you are wearing your best clothes, are well groomed, and are surrounded by a clean environment. What if it is Saturday, you need to build self-confidence today not next week. Put on your nice clothes, get the car washed, style that hair! A hairdresser once told me “Every day is show time!”

3. Increase your self-esteem even more by giving thanks to what you are, how you look, and what you are doing. Say “thank you” to yourself to everything you see, all whom you meet, and each smile that you receive.

4. Stand or sit correctly: How you stand sends out a message to the World, and in turn, back to you. This results in improving how you feel about yourself and will build self confidence today and every day.

There is scientific evidence that shows how posture affects our mood. Do not slouch. Slouching produces a down mood. By slouching you are telling the world and yourself it doesn’t matter, you don’t matter. Standing tall and upright will actually lift your mood. Help build up your confidence by pulling back those shoulders, stop that slouch, and walk proud.

5. Smile. Just smile and things seem better somehow. Practice smiling regularly and get your facial muscles used to the physical act of smiling.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here


Monday, May 23, 2022

Morning Ritual & How It Can Lead to or Prevent Success In Your Personal and or Business Life

 Do you want to stay energetic and productive throughout the day? Having a morning ritual is your solution.

A daily morning ritual makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning, with excitement and enthusiasm for the day ahead.

Did you feel energized, excited and passionate, ready to start a GREAT DAY?

Or did you feel stressed, tired, maybe even anxious about the day?

Morning Ritual Mastery let's you be the best you can be! Click Here.

If you're like most, then you likely felt tired and stressed...

That feeling determines the rest of your day. Those who are successful feel differently when they wake up.

However, those that don't may find:

You hit the snooze button before you wake up

​Stress overtakes you before you get into the day

​Pressure to do everything and meet your goals stops you from enjoying the morning

​Reactions to what the day will bring sets in

​Exhaustion and a feeling of being tired sets in

If you are in a reactive state every morning, you will not reach your goals. Your ability to achieve what you dream becomes limited.

Now You Can Wake Up Every Morning to a Healthier, Happier Outlook.

Find your mornings filled with energy, excitement and joy.

​Start your day proactively with my secret formula for success.

The tools you will get with this morning ritual give you confidence to everything you do.

No more pressure, no more stress, and a feeling that you are mastering your day... all day long.

These keys condition you to live the millionaire life, so you can be the best version of yourself.

Morning Ritual Mastery let's you be the best you can be! Click Here.

Does Free Makes It Easy? – You’ve got to give to GET

  Why Free Makes It Easy – You’ve got to give before you get principle. Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type...