Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Does Free Makes It Easy? – You’ve got to give to GET


Why Free Makes It Easy – You’ve got to give before you get principle.

Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type in a search box on the internet? Knowing what this word is and using it to its fullest extent can literally EXPLODE your sales if you run an online business. Let me explain.

The all-important word is FREE!!!

The word that is used in searches on the internet more than any other is FREE. Everyone loves something for nothing. No one wants to pay for something if they can get it for free.

Think about all the times you have searched for something on the internet. Weather it was for information, a service, a product, in fact anything. Did you just type in the description, a keyword or phrase, or did you put ‘free’ before it? If you omitted the word free, when the search engines generated the results, I guarantee it gave you a list of ‘related searches’ containing the keywords you used with ‘free’ in front of them.

The benefit of giving something for free.

As an online business, if you offer a product, service, or some information for free, it can have great returns.

First of all, it boosts your search engine rankings. As the word is typed into a search more than any other, having it optimized on your website will have amazing dividends.

Once a customer has found you in their search results, further use of the word free will draw them in even more. Giving them something for nothing if they visit your site, is a big attraction. In fact, it is such a huge attraction that I can’t emphasize how important it is.

How giving something for free can make you money.

When someone visits your site to claim their freebie, several things can happen.

To get their free product, they must give you their name and email address. This is the #1 reason for offering it to them in the first place.

It is highly unlikely that someone will buy something on their first visit to a website. And unless there is an excellent reason for them to return, they may never visit again.

By having their email address, you can contact them and remind them to revisit your site. You can offer them ‘special offers and affiliate sales through your correspondence emails.

It is a well-known fact that there needs to be an average of 7 contacts (sales pitches, remind revisits, offers etc.…) with a customer before they will actually buy something. The reasons for this are quite lengthy and are a whole other article, so let’s stick to the matter at hand.

By being able to have the important contact with your customers, your chances of them making a purchase have increased significantly.

They learn to ‘trust you’, you become familiar to them and that is what often clinches the deal. You gain these things from your customers and then they buy.

That’s how you make money from giving away something for free.

The quality of free.

The item that you offer, whether it be a subscription to an ezine, an ebook, report or software, MUST be of good quality.

If the customer receives their freebie and the quality is poor, they will not come back to your website and buy anything.

Even if you are the best website in your niche, offering the best deals, they will never find out, because they won’t come back.

On the other hand, if they are impressed by their free gift, they are more than likely to visit your website again and again. High quality, useful products are an essential if you want the ‘freebie offer’ to work for you.

How you can drive traffic to your website using ‘free’.

Classified ads are a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website. The headline and description should be centered around the infamous “what’s in it for me”. That is offering them a freebie. This will entice them to click the link and visit your website.

You can post classifieds for free. Type ‘free classifieds’ into the search box and choose from the 1000’s of results that the search engines produce. Submit your ads often and the traffic will keep coming.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy. CLICK HERE:

Other ways to drive traffic using ‘free’.

Simply use it anywhere your ads appear. If you publish articles, reports, or eBooks, put your offer in your resource box. If you use pay-per-click, use the offer as your ad copy. Advertising in ezines, weather it’s your own, an affiliate or bought advertising, again use the free offer in your resource box.

Choose carefully.

When deciding on what it is that you will give way, there is one piece of advice that is vital.

Make the free item appropriate to you audience. Whatever niche you operate it, stick with the theme.

If you offer an ebook on ‘how to grow a Facebook Account and your business sells Musical Instruments, you will be heading for a problem.

No matter how many emails you send them, their interest was Musical Instruments, not Facebook. Why should they visit your site again? The fact is they won’t.

Be mindful of what your own niche wants and give it to them.

In conclusion, the more you offer freebies, the more money you will make.

It is one of the best traffic drivers and is a straightforward concept.

Now that you have this little golden nugget of valuable information, get to work. Plan what you could offer, to whom, when and where.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy. CLICK HERE:

Monday, June 20, 2022

Innovation Is It A State Of Mind?


Innovation Is It A State Of Mind?

You probably know the myth of innovation as a sudden flash of insight that comes from nowhere. We read about that “aha” moment, or that light bulb turning on in the mind of some inventor or innovator, and this is true to an extent. Einstein really did get flashes of insight while shaving in the morning. However, he was of course working on the problems he had insight into, and he didn’t suddenly have ideas for new kitchen gadgets or movie plots.

Einstein’s innovations, in other words, no matter how “sudden” the original ideas were, came from past and present mental work. It is like a singer who works at his craft for ten years and then becomes an “overnight success.” Innovative people only have “sudden” new ideas because they have habitually worked and thought in certain ways for some time. If you want to become an innovative thinker, then, why not start cultivating those mental habits?

Brian Tracy

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy. CLICK HERE

Mental Habits Lead To Innovation

Problems can be opportunities. “Problem” may have a negative connotation, such as being a hassle or stressful, but any problem can lead to an innovation that improves our lives. Not knowing the time led to clocks small enough to put on our wrists. Nasty diseases lead to sanitary sewer systems. Start looking for opportunity in every problem. Even a mundane problem like not having enough storage space could lead to an innovation. You may just build a plywood floor in the attic, but you could invent a new type of outdoor storage unit.

Innovation begins with understanding the key elements. Metal, wood or glass are not key elements of a door to an innovator. A way to get in, a way to keep others out – these are key elements. Begin with these, and soon you’re imagining new ways to make a door. You could design a door that is opened by your voice (nice when your hands are full), or one that shuts and locks itself when anyone else approaches. Think of the key elements in things.

Attitude helps innovation. The creative problem-solving technique of concept-combination involves combining two ideas to see what new idea or product results. The crucial point is that you assume there will be a useful new idea. Starting with that assumption, your mind will work overtime to produce something. A shoe and a CD have nothing to do with each other, but it took just a minute to imagine a CD player with headphones that only plays the music correctly if a jogger maintains his ideal pace. When you assume there is something there, you’ll often find something.

Playfulness helps innovation. A playful mind is a creative mind, and while high IQ doesn’t correlate with creativity, put it together with playfulness, and you have an Einstein. Remember, he imagined himself riding on a beam of light in order to arrive at his theory of relativity. Why not start playing with ideas and things, in your mind and in your surroundings. Innovation should be fun.

Brian Tracy

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy. CLICK HERE

Saturday, June 18, 2022

3 Steps To Manifestation


3 Steps To Manifestation


Do you know how powerful your thoughts really are? Are you fully aware that these thoughts, all 50,000 per day, are singularly the most powerful influences on everything that happens to you in your life and are the reason you have attracted the people you know, the house you live in and the car you drive?

In fact, the sum total of everyone’s thoughts is the very thing that shapes everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will ever exist. You may ask then “if this is true then shouldn’t it be possible to bring into existence anything we desire?”

The number one strategy for making money on line-

Manifest better mental, emotional and financial status- 


The short simple answer is YES!

It is through the power of deliberate thought that we can create. While thought alone does have the power to bring tangible (cars, houses, boats) and intangible (peace, harmony, and joy) things into existence often times this is not enough! Intention, or directed thinking and believing, is enough to create powerful enough thoughts to manifest anything we want but you must also add two other ingredients.

Firstly, your thoughts must be backed by emotion. The more powerful the emotion – the stronger the thought. It is essential to create within you the same feelings that you will have when you achieve your desire. You do this all the time only in the opposite direction. For example, you think of what you are afraid may happen and suddenly you feel frightened, tense and may even start to exhibit some physiological symptoms such as sweating or shaking or just get the shivers. Begin to reverse this method of thinking. Think only of what you do want and conjure up the feelings associated with that. How will it feel to meet and marry that perfect person? How will it feel behind the wheel of that new Mercedes or in the kitchen of that new home?

The second key ingredient of the three is action! It is necessary to be prepared to take some action. This is a key point that many personal development gurus leave out! The action that you need to take will not be strenuous or a toil, it will be enjoyable and feel right to you.

Each of us here on the planet plays their own special role in the complete operation of the Universe. We are all One, interconnected and interdependent. Your desires will almost always come through some form of action and through connection to other people.

Your thoughts do have the power to completely change your life and circumstances. When thoughts are backed by emotion, they become an unstoppable force that will carry you to wherever you want to go in life. But you must be willing to take the steps towards your desires when these steps are presented to you. For example, thinking and believing you will meet your soul mate will bring you vast opportunities for meeting him/her but you never will if you sit at home all day and do not venture outside! You may find that you begin to get asked to go to places more often or get invited to a place you have never been before. You may even accidently meet old friends or develop new friendships. This is the Universe setting you on a path to your desires. Take that invitation. Even if it is something you have no desire to do or somewhere you do not want to go, you should accept the invitation. Who knows who you may meet or where you may end up!

Remember, ingredient 1 – thoughts have power. Ingredient 2 – thoughts backed by strong emotion and belief can change the very Universe and create ANYTHING you want. And the lastly ingredient 3 – action is the last key ingredient to bringing about your desires and living the life of your dreams. Now get out there and start to CREATE!

The number one strategy for making money on line-

Manifest better mental, emotional and financial status- 



Friday, June 17, 2022

Many Different Make Money On Line Opportunities (Free) Thanks to Wesley Virgin

 Hi all:

Hope things are good

A quick thanks to Wesley Virgin. He was kind enough to let me upload a large amount of videos on how to make money online. Wesley is one of the most successful internet marketers and a leading authority on Manifestation!

There are a myriad of different methods.  Why not see if any interest you.  He gives a plethora of free opportunities with some low cost.

The link is below, Please Click:

Be safe and thanks for stopping by!

Better to Write down your goals on paper


Every person should write down his or her goals. Business goals, personal goals, income goals, and whatever you want to achieve in your life. If you want to achieve something in your life, don’t just think about it. Get a nice piece of paper and write down the goal.

Having a goal sitting in your head may not help that much. Every book says that you need to write down your goals. First thinking about the goal is a good way to start but again, you need to write it down as soon as you think about it.

The number one strategy for making money on line-

Manifest better mental, emotional and financial status- 


What is it that you want to accomplish?

Think about this in your mind and come up with the exact goal that you want to get. For example, let’s look at a person who wants to earn $1000 in the next 30 days online. Here is what he or she needs to do.

first step is to write down the goal of earning $1000 in the next 30 days. So that’s done. Good.

Next what you will want to do is to write how you are going to achieve this goal. You should figure out by now that you will want to find someone who has already done this before. Having a burning desire will also help you get to your goal.

Write down why you want to achieve this goal. For some, it is just having that extra income to help them pay for a car payment. For others, it may be that they want to save money. Whatever your goals are, write down why you want to achieve them.

Another point to consider is to have complete faith in yourself and your desired goals. You need to have faith because if you don’t, you may not achieve your goals at all. You may have written them down, but it means nothing if you kick out your belief of achieving this goal from your “belief” system that is sitting there somewhere in your head. You need to have faith that you can reach any goal that you set.

After you achieve a particular goal, don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back. Give yourself some sort of a reward. Once you achieve your first goal, you can accomplish any of your future goals in life. It should give you some sort of motivation to write more and more goals down.

Now, what would happen if you don’t reach your goal? This can happen to anyone who sets goals. The best thing that you will need to do is to learn from this situation and think what you can do next time to achieve that goal.

If you fail once, try again. If you fail the second time, then try again until you reach your desired goal. But don’t take the same action. Learn what you did wrong in the first trial and try something different.

The number one strategy for making money on line-

Manifest better mental, emotional and financial status- 



Thursday, June 16, 2022

Do I Need To Visualize To Manifest My Desires


Do I Need To Visualize To Manifest My Desires:

You’ve heard me talk in previous articles about Deliberate attraction. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that is operating in every moment, including this moment right now. Knowing that we all offer a vibration (vibe) in every moment, and that The Law of Attraction matches that vibration and brings us more of the same vibration (whether wanted, or unwanted), it is important for us to understand the significance of becoming deliberate about what it is that we are vibrationally offering. The more we learn to apply The Law of Attraction to our lives and tap into this powerful force, the more deliberate we learn to become as attractors. These speeds up the manifestation of our desires. And that brings us to the topic of this article. Is visualization needed to manifest our desires?

If you want the number one way to manifest money/the number one way to make money, online CLICK HERE:

Let’s begin by reviewing the 3-step formula for Deliberate Attraction:

1) I identify my desire (being as clear as I can).

2) I raise my vibration (by giving my desire attention).

3) I allow (by reducing my resistance to receiving my desire).

Often, people will tell me they have already identified their desires and typically made a huge list of what those desires are. I am frequently asked, “Michael, how come the Law of Attraction didn’t manifest my desire?” When I ask them where that list is right now, two answers I usually get are: “Oh I don’t have it anymore.” And “It’s tucked away somewhere.”

It is important to remember that The Law of Attraction is a 3-step process and not a 1-step process. The Law of Attraction states, “Whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, I’ll attract more of it, whether wanted or unwanted.” After we have determined our desires, we need to give attention to those desires. Therefore, most people who build a list, and then tuck it away, never see the desires on that list manifest.

I like to teach the deliberate use of The Law of Attraction through words because words are a common denominator that we all share. We speak, hum, sing, read, write, paint and process words in every moment of our day. All words carry a vibration for the person who says them or thinks them. There are, however, different ways to give attention to your desires. Some people like to use words, through writing, or talking with others about their desires. Other people like to visualize or use art forms like making collages. It is true that all these ways will give attention to your desires and help to raise your vibration. However, it is also true that not all these methods or tools will feel good to everyone using them. So, how do YOU determine if a method is the right one for you to use? It’s easy. If it feels good, then use it. If it doesn’t, then don’t!

That’s all there is to it. To insist that someone needs to visualize to manifest their desires, when visualizing is a frustrating endeavor for that person, is opposing the purpose of using the tool in the first place! While that person is visualizing, their frustration would be creating a negative vibration instead of increasing their positive vibration even higher. The same goes for any of the methods or tools I’ve suggested in practicing the Law of Attraction. Use them only if they feel good to you.

To summarize, ask yourself this question when checking to see if visualization or any other method or tool is right for you. Do I feel good as I am using this method or tool? Is this method or tool helping me to offer a positive vibration? If the answer is yes, then be assured that it is an effective tool for you to keep on using as you continue to manifest your desires.

If you want the number one way to manifest money/ the number one way to make money online CLICK HERE:


Copied with permission from:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

What Is Innovation? It Is A State Of Mind


You probably know the myth of innovation as a sudden flash of insight that comes from nowhere. We read about that “aha” moment, or that light bulb turning on in the mind of some inventor or innovator, and this is true to an extent. Einstein really did get flashes of insight while shaving in the morning. However, he was of course working on the problems he had insight into, and he didn’t suddenly have ideas for new kitchen gadgets or movie plots.

Einstein’s innovations, in other words, no matter how “sudden” the original ideas were, came from past and present mental work. It is like a singer who works at his craft for ten years and then becomes an “overnight success.” Innovative people only have “sudden” new ideas because they have habitually worked and thought in certain ways for some time. If you want to become an innovative thinker, then, why not start cultivating those mental habits?

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Mental Habits Lead To Innovation

Problems can be opportunities. “Problem” may have a negative connotation, such as being a hassle or stressful, but any problem can lead to an innovation that improves our lives. Not knowing the time led to clocks small enough to put on our wrists. Nasty diseases lead to sanitary sewer systems. Start looking for opportunity in every problem. Even a mundane problem like not having enough storage space could lead to an innovation. You may just build a plywood floor in the attic, but you could invent a new type of outdoor storage unit.

Innovation begins with understanding the key elements. Metal, wood, or glass are not key elements of a door to an innovator. A way to get in, a way to keep others out – these are key elements. Begin with these, and soon you’re imagining new ways to make a door. You could design a door that is opened by your voice (nice when your hands are full), or one that shuts and locks itself when anyone else approaches. Think of the key elements in things.

Attitude helps innovation. The creative problem-solving technique of concept-combination involves combining two ideas to see what new idea or product results. The crucial point is that you assume there will be a useful new idea. Starting with that assumption, your mind will work overtime to produce something. A shoe and a CD have nothing to do with each other, but it took just a minute to imagine a CD player with headphones that only plays the music correctly if a jogger maintains his ideal pace. When you assume there is something there, you’ll often find something.

Playfulness helps innovation. A playful mind is a creative mind, and while high IQ doesn’t correlate with creativity, put it together with playfulness, and you have an Einstein. Remember, he imagined himself riding on a beam of light in order to arrive at his theory of relativity. Why not start playing with ideas and things, in your mind and in your surroundings. Innovation should be fun.

 Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

How To Network And Profit

 Network Marketing is an excellent way for the “average Joe or Jane” to make an extra income. This business concept has been around for decades, and it will not disappear any time soon. The reason for its popularity is simple… It Works! It does however, require lots of work and most importantly, dedication and persistence to get the job done. The best part is, once you can set up a solid network, your business becomes MUCH less time intensive. Almost like going on “autopilot”. The key is to get there as fast as possible.

Friday, June 10, 2022

What is Happiness? Can You Define It?


Happiness is one of the most commonly used words. We all say – the children look so happy. I am very happy today. You don’t look happy. Any reason? How to make a happy world? How to avoid sad feelings and feel happy? Which pill can help us? The discussion about happiness is endless. Does science give a common definition of happiness? General answers are available that say that happiness is a state when one feels good, elated, contented, good etc. Is happiness a lifelong gift or an emotion experienced for a short time.

If I win a lottery, I become happy. As I spend all the money, I become unhappy again. When you call me a good person, I feel happy and when you curse me, I feel very unhappy. If I look at the dead body of my old friend, I feel unhappy and when I look at laughing faces of children, I feel happy. We have no control. Outside forces and events control our emotions. We are all toys. That has no free will. This is difficult to believe but true.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Let us find out what is not happiness. Low self-esteem, feelings of despondency, sadness, guilt, helplessness, frustration, low interest, uncertainty, and all such negative emotions are not happy emotions. They rather make us unhappy. Now let us talk of what is happiness. Feeling good, cheerful outlook, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, satisfied living, enjoyment, and all such emotions that make us feel good are happy feelings

Is happiness same for all of us? If I give a certain amount to few people, some may become very happy, and some may become angry and some will not care either way. Am I making myself clear? Happiness is not something that we feel in equal measure. I may be very happy when I watch the star lit night, but you may enjoy only the bright sunshine. Each one of us has his/her own happiness.

Some of us are happy when we get a large amount of money, some when they can do lot of creative work, some when they can make others feel good and so on. All of us have our unique set of values and desires. We ourselves many times do not know about them. It becomes difficult therefore to know how to keep others happy and this ignorance causes most of interpersonal problems. These differences in our emotional reactions make us human beings.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Thursday, June 9, 2022

How To Build Self Confidence Today, Tomorrow, and....


There are very few people who could call themselves perfect and be right. Most of us need to build self-confidence today, but the majority just either ignore the issues or concentrate on the negatives: stress, worry, jobs, money problems and relationship issues. Concentrating on these areas drains our self-confidence rather than improving it.

If you could improve your self-confidence, you could make more money, look and feel better physically, or just be more relaxed with other people. Below there are five simple techniques that have been proved to help build self-confidence today.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

1. Talk to yourself. It sounds crazy but it works. All of us have a running monologue constantly in our heads, whether we realize it or not. Everything we see, hear, or touch sparks off an immediate dialog in our thoughts.

For those who lack confidence this monologue is filled with negative messages many of which are the negative side of adverts from television, radio, advertisement boardings, newspapers, and just overhearing other people talk.

These negative thoughts literally suck energy from our minds and bodies and block the flow of positive messages. We need to hear the positive messages as they will build self-confidence today and raise our self-esteem. Take control. Use your inner thoughts to talk to yourself in a positive manner, as often as you can.

As an example, one of my regular sayings is “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself”. I just repeat it for a couple of minutes. It sounds cheesy but does build self-confidence today Try it. I bet that if you go to the mirror right now and repeat out loud “I like myself!” 50 times, it will be impossible to keep from smiling.

2. Dress as smartly and as classily as you can. You won’t feel at your best if you don’t look your best. You will be amazed at just how much more confidence you will have just looking your best. It just feels good when you are wearing your best clothes, are well groomed, and are surrounded by a clean environment. What if it is Saturday, you need to build self-confidence today not next week. Put on your nice clothes, get the car washed, style that hair! A hairdresser once told me “Every day is show time!”

3. Increase your self-esteem even more by giving thanks to what you are, how you look, and what you are doing. Say “thank you” to yourself to everything you see, all whom you meet, and each smile that you receive.

4. Stand or sit correctly: How you stand sends out a message to the World, and in turn, back to you. This results in improving how you feel about yourself and will build self confidence today and every day.

There is scientific evidence that shows how posture affects our mood. Do not slouch. Slouching produces a down mood. By slouching you are telling the world and yourself it doesn’t matter, you don’t matter. Standing tall and upright will actually lift your mood. Help build up your confidence by pulling back those shoulders, stop that slouch, and walk proud.

5. Smile. Just smile and things seem better somehow. Practice smiling regularly and get your facial muscles used to the physical act of smiling.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Why Unsolicited Advice Giving Is Not Advisable


Often in our interactions with family and friends, problems being encountered would inevitably be brought up. Inevitably too, in trying to be helpful, we often react by giving advice on how to solve the problem.

However, this is generally not recommended, for the following reasons:

We assume we know what the problem is and forget to be a listener, to find out enough details about the problem and the other person’s point of view.

We forget to extend empathy to the woes of the other person.

We get ‘credit’ for being the one to give the advice since the advice is likely to be something that the adviser has done, or others have done that was successful. If the listener does not succeed or had done it before but it was not successful, the implication is that it is not because the advice was not good, but the listener has not applied it well. This tends to make the advisee feel stupid and incompetent.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

When we give advice, we’re talking ‘down’ to the other person as we become the ‘expert’. We’re so eager to talk and show our knowledge and ‘wisdom’ that we do not interact at an ‘equal’ level with the other person. We take on the position of ‘expert’ and might tend to forget that the other person also has knowledge to share with us.

We are giving the message that we think the person cannot work out the solution himself. This is disempowering for the other person.

We belittle the efforts that have been taken by the person. We become the evaluator of what the person has done rather than helping him/her to self-evaluate.

Example of Advice Giving:

A: Jolyn and I are having problems. We have been having more quarrels lately.

B: Hmm I’m always thought both of you were not suitable for each other. (B is getting credit for his prediction. B is not asking questions to find out more about A’s problems)

A: Well, we were getting along well. But I’ve been very busy with work recently and haven’t had time to go out with her. She feels I’m spending too much time on work.

B: It shows she does not understand you (B is assuming he knows what the problem is). Maybe you should break up with her (advice giving, implying A cannot work out a solution). It could be a blessing in disguise.

A: I’d be miserable. Don’t know what I’d do without her.

B: You’ll get over it (B is not extending empathy to A). I did too when I broke up with Doris 2 years ago. (B is giving himself credit)

A: I sent her roses to make up, but it doesn’t seem to work.

B: I don’t think that will work with her (evaluating what A has done). Since she wants time with you, just put aside your work and make time for her.

A: I have deadlines to meet.

B: Well, you must decide what you want (this is not likely to be helpful to A’s dilemma and might make him feel stupid and incompetent instead.)

Using Questions in conversations is generally more helpful as it helps the other person think through the issues that they have. Example is this conversation below:

A: Jolyn and I are having problems. We have been having more quarrels lately.

B: I’m sorry to hear that (extending empathy). Would you like to tell me more about it? (being a listener, to find out details of problem)

A: I’ve been really busy with my work and haven’t had time to go out with her. She feels I’m spending too much time on work.

B: Has it always been this way with your work?

A: No, it’s these recent two months because of a big project. Deadlines to meet and other work pressures.

B: Must be tough on you. (Extending empathy to A and indirectly giving credit to A for holding up)

A: Yah but I do need to make time for Jolyn I have been working too hard. I should ease up a bit (self-evaluation). I think I’ll send her some flowers afterward and then call her for a dinner date tomorrow. (Coming up with his own solutions)

B: All the best

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here


Does Free Makes It Easy? – You’ve got to give to GET

  Why Free Makes It Easy – You’ve got to give before you get principle. Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type...