Showing posts with label Self Confidence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Confidence. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18, 2022

3 Steps To Manifestation


3 Steps To Manifestation


Do you know how powerful your thoughts really are? Are you fully aware that these thoughts, all 50,000 per day, are singularly the most powerful influences on everything that happens to you in your life and are the reason you have attracted the people you know, the house you live in and the car you drive?

In fact, the sum total of everyone’s thoughts is the very thing that shapes everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will ever exist. You may ask then “if this is true then shouldn’t it be possible to bring into existence anything we desire?”

The number one strategy for making money on line-

Manifest better mental, emotional and financial status- 


The short simple answer is YES!

It is through the power of deliberate thought that we can create. While thought alone does have the power to bring tangible (cars, houses, boats) and intangible (peace, harmony, and joy) things into existence often times this is not enough! Intention, or directed thinking and believing, is enough to create powerful enough thoughts to manifest anything we want but you must also add two other ingredients.

Firstly, your thoughts must be backed by emotion. The more powerful the emotion – the stronger the thought. It is essential to create within you the same feelings that you will have when you achieve your desire. You do this all the time only in the opposite direction. For example, you think of what you are afraid may happen and suddenly you feel frightened, tense and may even start to exhibit some physiological symptoms such as sweating or shaking or just get the shivers. Begin to reverse this method of thinking. Think only of what you do want and conjure up the feelings associated with that. How will it feel to meet and marry that perfect person? How will it feel behind the wheel of that new Mercedes or in the kitchen of that new home?

The second key ingredient of the three is action! It is necessary to be prepared to take some action. This is a key point that many personal development gurus leave out! The action that you need to take will not be strenuous or a toil, it will be enjoyable and feel right to you.

Each of us here on the planet plays their own special role in the complete operation of the Universe. We are all One, interconnected and interdependent. Your desires will almost always come through some form of action and through connection to other people.

Your thoughts do have the power to completely change your life and circumstances. When thoughts are backed by emotion, they become an unstoppable force that will carry you to wherever you want to go in life. But you must be willing to take the steps towards your desires when these steps are presented to you. For example, thinking and believing you will meet your soul mate will bring you vast opportunities for meeting him/her but you never will if you sit at home all day and do not venture outside! You may find that you begin to get asked to go to places more often or get invited to a place you have never been before. You may even accidently meet old friends or develop new friendships. This is the Universe setting you on a path to your desires. Take that invitation. Even if it is something you have no desire to do or somewhere you do not want to go, you should accept the invitation. Who knows who you may meet or where you may end up!

Remember, ingredient 1 – thoughts have power. Ingredient 2 – thoughts backed by strong emotion and belief can change the very Universe and create ANYTHING you want. And the lastly ingredient 3 – action is the last key ingredient to bringing about your desires and living the life of your dreams. Now get out there and start to CREATE!

The number one strategy for making money on line-

Manifest better mental, emotional and financial status- 



Friday, June 10, 2022

What is Happiness? Can You Define It?


Happiness is one of the most commonly used words. We all say – the children look so happy. I am very happy today. You don’t look happy. Any reason? How to make a happy world? How to avoid sad feelings and feel happy? Which pill can help us? The discussion about happiness is endless. Does science give a common definition of happiness? General answers are available that say that happiness is a state when one feels good, elated, contented, good etc. Is happiness a lifelong gift or an emotion experienced for a short time.

If I win a lottery, I become happy. As I spend all the money, I become unhappy again. When you call me a good person, I feel happy and when you curse me, I feel very unhappy. If I look at the dead body of my old friend, I feel unhappy and when I look at laughing faces of children, I feel happy. We have no control. Outside forces and events control our emotions. We are all toys. That has no free will. This is difficult to believe but true.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Let us find out what is not happiness. Low self-esteem, feelings of despondency, sadness, guilt, helplessness, frustration, low interest, uncertainty, and all such negative emotions are not happy emotions. They rather make us unhappy. Now let us talk of what is happiness. Feeling good, cheerful outlook, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, satisfied living, enjoyment, and all such emotions that make us feel good are happy feelings

Is happiness same for all of us? If I give a certain amount to few people, some may become very happy, and some may become angry and some will not care either way. Am I making myself clear? Happiness is not something that we feel in equal measure. I may be very happy when I watch the star lit night, but you may enjoy only the bright sunshine. Each one of us has his/her own happiness.

Some of us are happy when we get a large amount of money, some when they can do lot of creative work, some when they can make others feel good and so on. All of us have our unique set of values and desires. We ourselves many times do not know about them. It becomes difficult therefore to know how to keep others happy and this ignorance causes most of interpersonal problems. These differences in our emotional reactions make us human beings.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Thursday, June 9, 2022

How To Build Self Confidence Today, Tomorrow, and....


There are very few people who could call themselves perfect and be right. Most of us need to build self-confidence today, but the majority just either ignore the issues or concentrate on the negatives: stress, worry, jobs, money problems and relationship issues. Concentrating on these areas drains our self-confidence rather than improving it.

If you could improve your self-confidence, you could make more money, look and feel better physically, or just be more relaxed with other people. Below there are five simple techniques that have been proved to help build self-confidence today.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

1. Talk to yourself. It sounds crazy but it works. All of us have a running monologue constantly in our heads, whether we realize it or not. Everything we see, hear, or touch sparks off an immediate dialog in our thoughts.

For those who lack confidence this monologue is filled with negative messages many of which are the negative side of adverts from television, radio, advertisement boardings, newspapers, and just overhearing other people talk.

These negative thoughts literally suck energy from our minds and bodies and block the flow of positive messages. We need to hear the positive messages as they will build self-confidence today and raise our self-esteem. Take control. Use your inner thoughts to talk to yourself in a positive manner, as often as you can.

As an example, one of my regular sayings is “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself”. I just repeat it for a couple of minutes. It sounds cheesy but does build self-confidence today Try it. I bet that if you go to the mirror right now and repeat out loud “I like myself!” 50 times, it will be impossible to keep from smiling.

2. Dress as smartly and as classily as you can. You won’t feel at your best if you don’t look your best. You will be amazed at just how much more confidence you will have just looking your best. It just feels good when you are wearing your best clothes, are well groomed, and are surrounded by a clean environment. What if it is Saturday, you need to build self-confidence today not next week. Put on your nice clothes, get the car washed, style that hair! A hairdresser once told me “Every day is show time!”

3. Increase your self-esteem even more by giving thanks to what you are, how you look, and what you are doing. Say “thank you” to yourself to everything you see, all whom you meet, and each smile that you receive.

4. Stand or sit correctly: How you stand sends out a message to the World, and in turn, back to you. This results in improving how you feel about yourself and will build self confidence today and every day.

There is scientific evidence that shows how posture affects our mood. Do not slouch. Slouching produces a down mood. By slouching you are telling the world and yourself it doesn’t matter, you don’t matter. Standing tall and upright will actually lift your mood. Help build up your confidence by pulling back those shoulders, stop that slouch, and walk proud.

5. Smile. Just smile and things seem better somehow. Practice smiling regularly and get your facial muscles used to the physical act of smiling.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

How do I Network Effectively?

 Effective business networking is the bringing together of like-minded individuals who, through relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another.

Keep in mind that networking is about being bona fide, building trust, and seeing how your relationship can genuinely help others.
1. Always figure out before you even walk into a room, what your specific goals are in attending each networking meeting. This helps you to pick groups or associations that will help you get what you are looking for.

2. Ask open-ended questions during your networking conversations, questions that ask who, what, where, when, and how. Try to avoid questions that require a simple yes or no response. By using this line of questioning you can open us the discussion and show listeners that you are interested.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

3. Become a walking resource centre. When you become known as a strong resource, others remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, names of other people, etc. This keeps you at their “top of mind”.

4. Make sure you have your “elevator speech” prepared and know it like the back of your hand. An elevator speech is the commonly known as the response you would give in the amount of time it would take to reach the tenth floor in an elevator. Always rehearse your spiel and be genuine, so that you don’t sound automated when you relay it to someone who asks what you do.

5. Always know what is going on in current affairs, if you don’t feel comfortable just rolling into a spiel when you first meet someone, have a backup topic to break the ice until you do.

6. Never just throw your business card at someone the minute you meet them, you must get to know the person and their business as well as explaining your business before you even contemplate a business card exchange. Some people will find you rude, pushy, and unprofessional which will in turn reflect badly on your business.

7. Always phone or email your new contacts and let them know that you enjoyed meeting them. If possible, mention things that you discussed on a more personal note (i.e. I hope you enjoyed that movie you were going to see that night.) people will come to know you as someone who listens, remembers them and they will form a trust with you.

8. The most important thing to remember is to follow through quickly and efficiently on referrals you are given. When people give you referrals, your actions are a reflection on them. Respect and honor their trust and your referrals will grow exponentially.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Why Many Individuals Take Musical or Singing Lessons


There are millions of children or adults who take a lesson in a subject that they wish to excel at. These lessons can deal with sports, academics, dance, instruments, and singing. While all of these lessons are popular it is quite possible that signing lessons are the most sought-after lessons. There are a wide number of reasons why a person may wish to take a singing lesson. In fact, a singing lesson is such a popular choice that you may already be taking one or are interested in learning about taking a singing lesson.

One of the most common reasons why a person takes a lesson, including a singing lesson, is because they are interested in becoming better. A person can take a singing lesson for just about any reason; however, it is often because they are looking to becoming a professional singer. There are some individuals who are born with a natural singing talent; however, most are not. This is why singing lessons are so popular because they can help an aspiring singer reach their dream.

Learn to Sing:  Melanie Alexander is an Australian singer/songwriter/vocal coach, and television personality. She created the Singorama program after years of being in the music industry and addressing common concerns she encountered as well as others in her vocation.

Singorama is available by Clicking Here:


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      if you are interested in taking a singing lesson to help your career as a singer, you are              taking a step in the right direction. Singing lessons will not necessarily guarantee a                  successful music career, but it can’t hurt it. There are many individuals who have a great          voice but need a little bit of assistance in another area. Many teachers hosting a singing          lesson may be able to help improve a student’s overall singing ability.

While taking singing lessons to help an aspiring career is popular reason, there are many other individuals who take singing lessons just for fun. In a way singing is often considered an extra-curricular activity and there are many parents who encourage to their children to do activities outside of traditional school hours. A singing lesson may be a great opportunity for a child to learn to sing and express themselves. A singing lesson may not only help a child when they are taking the singing lesson, but in the future as well. A wonderful opportunity could open up to a person due to their ability to sing. It is also possible that a singing lesson could help to improve a person’s self-esteem because they are working to better themselves.

Another reason why taking a singing lesson is popular is because it is so easy to do. There are several choices when it comes to taking a singing lesson. The most common way to receive a singing lesson is by meeting face to face. There are many lesson teachers who come to their student’s home, or the student meets them in an office area. Other singing lessons can come in the form of CDs or DVDs. These items are often cheaper that taking a face-to-face singing lesson and they can be purchased online or in most major retail stores.

If you are interested in taking a singing lesson the option is up to you as to how you should go about doing it. Whether you are interested in taking a singing lesson just for fun or you are interested in becoming a professional singer a singing lesson is a great way to achieve your goals no matter what they may be.

Learn to Sing:  Melanie Alexander is an Australian singer/songwriter/vocal coach, and television personality. She created the Singorama program after years of being in the music industry and addressing common concerns she encountered as well as others in her vocation.

Singorama is available by Clicking Here:


Learn To Play Piano: Why not learn from a highly rated and fun method > Click Here:



Saturday, June 4, 2022

How To Keep Your Audience At Attention When Speaking


In almost all gatherings (conventions, alumni homecomings, commencement exercises, fund raising or awarding ceremonies), guest speakers are usually invited to highlight the occasion.

To make the gathering memorable, guest speakers are selected for a certain reason, some according to their popularity and accomplishments.

As much as possible, the speaker’s profession or line of achievement must be in some way related to the occasion.

Let’s say the occasion is a convention of home developers. The likely guest speaker to grace it could be a famous in the housing market, well known and respected by the city and state.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 

To impart a lasting impression to the audience, a speaker must find ways to keep the attention glued to his speech.

If it so happens that you are the invited guest speaker of a gathering, the suggestions below may help to keep your audience listening instead of walking around or doing something else.

1. Speak in a clear, crisp, comprehensible voice with an enthusiastic tone. Avoid mumbling. Try not to eat the words as if there’s a gum in your mouth.

2. Your speech should be in consonance with the aim of the gathering, touching on...

      3. More speakers prepare a list of the issues they want to touch on instead of a speech            prepared and read (or memorized) word for word. A spontaneous speech aligned on the          ideas prepared or written on the list is projected more naturally.

4. Inject humor into your speech to keep the audience attentive and waiting for more. Studies reveal that, when humor is involved, audiences find the speaker interesting to listen to. But be aware not to go beyond the line of humor because this may unintentionally embarrass others or be misunderstood by them. This might raise comments that criticize your speech. Try your best to avoid criticism.

5. When you raise an issue, one of the best ways to project it is by citing instances or examples. Correlate the example and the issue clearly.

6. Suppose the gathering was organized to save an industry or boost the morale of those that will be directly and indirectly affected by it. Try your best to deliver an inspiring speech. A speech filled with positive thoughts, like projecting a bright tomorrow, can turn a depressive mood into an enthusiastic one. If you are well versed on the industry with a solution to offer to suppress its downtrend, then say it.

7. Audience participation may seem to turn your speech into a discussion, but it is one way to confirm effectiveness of what you are saying or offering.

8. Image how the industry will look like 5 or 10 years from now on a positive flight. Be specific and realistic in your projection. If hard work is called for, say so.

9. Leave a lasting, meaningful message as you wrap up your speech.

A speech that leaves the audience thinking long after the speech has been made will also leave the audience remembering the speaker for a long time.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here 



Thursday, June 2, 2022

100 Best Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for Today, Tomorrow, & Forever

 100 Best Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for Today, Tomorrow, & Forever will inspire, motivate, and persuade you to be the best you can in your personal and business journey. Positive thinking, motivation, inspiration, and and a daily game plan have taken many people much further than those that may have an abundance of talent but no directional compass.

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Time Management The Short Version

 Time Management The Short Version:

Using time productively is the method involved with arranging and controlling how long to spend on unambiguous exercises. Great using time productively empowers a person to finish more in a more limited timeframe, brings down pressure, and prompts profession achievement.

Learn- Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Rundown of Tips for Effective Time Management

1. Put forth objectives accurately

Put forth objectives that are reachable and quantifiable. Utilize the SMART technique while defining objectives. Generally, ensure the objectives you set are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

2. Focus on admirably

Focus on undertakings in light of significance and direness. For instance, take a gander at your day to day errands and figure out which are:

Significant and dire: Do these undertakings immediately.

Significant yet not critical: Decide when to do these undertakings.

Earnest however not significant: Delegate these assignments if conceivable.

Not earnest and not significant: Set these aside to do later.

3. Put down a point in time cutoff to get done with a responsibility

Setting time imperatives for getting done with jobs assists you with being more engaged and proficient. Putting forth the little additional attempt to settle on how long you want to distribute for each assignment can likewise assist you with perceiving expected issues before they emerge. That way you can make arrangements for managing them.

For instance, expect you want to review five audits in time for a gathering. Notwithstanding, you understand that you'll simply have the option to finish four of them in the time staying before the gathering. Assuming you become mindful of this reality well ahead of time, you might have the option to handily designate reviewing one of the surveys to another person. Notwithstanding, in the event that you hadn't tried to do a period beware of your undertakings in advance, you could have wound up not understanding your time issue until only an hour prior to the gathering. By then, it very well may be impressively more hard to track down somebody to appoint one of the surveys to, and more challenging for them to squeeze the errand into their day, as well.

4. Enjoy some time off between errands

While doing a great deal of errands without a break, it is more earnestly to keep on track and roused. Permit some personal time between assignments to clear your head and revive yourself. Consider getting a concise rest, taking a short walk, or reflecting.

5. Prepare

Ensure you start consistently with an unmistakable thought of what you really want to do - the main priority THAT DAY. Consider regularly practicing it to, toward the finish of every normal working day, feel free to work out your schedule for the following business day. That way you can get down to business the following morning.

6. Sort out yourself

Use your schedule for all the more long haul using time effectively. Record the cutoff times for projects, or for errands that are important for finishing the general undertaking. Ponder which days may be ideal to commit to explicit errands. For instance, you could have to design a gathering to talk about income on a day when you know the organization CFO is accessible.

7 Remove trivial assignments/exercises

Eliminating abundance exercises or tasks is significant. Figure out what is critical and what merits your time. Eliminating insignificant assignments/exercises opens up a greater amount of your chance to be spent on truly significant things.

Learn- Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Does Free Makes It Easy? – You’ve got to give to GET

  Why Free Makes It Easy – You’ve got to give before you get principle. Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type...