Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2022

What is Happiness? Can You Define It?


Happiness is one of the most commonly used words. We all say – the children look so happy. I am very happy today. You don’t look happy. Any reason? How to make a happy world? How to avoid sad feelings and feel happy? Which pill can help us? The discussion about happiness is endless. Does science give a common definition of happiness? General answers are available that say that happiness is a state when one feels good, elated, contented, good etc. Is happiness a lifelong gift or an emotion experienced for a short time.

If I win a lottery, I become happy. As I spend all the money, I become unhappy again. When you call me a good person, I feel happy and when you curse me, I feel very unhappy. If I look at the dead body of my old friend, I feel unhappy and when I look at laughing faces of children, I feel happy. We have no control. Outside forces and events control our emotions. We are all toys. That has no free will. This is difficult to believe but true.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Let us find out what is not happiness. Low self-esteem, feelings of despondency, sadness, guilt, helplessness, frustration, low interest, uncertainty, and all such negative emotions are not happy emotions. They rather make us unhappy. Now let us talk of what is happiness. Feeling good, cheerful outlook, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, satisfied living, enjoyment, and all such emotions that make us feel good are happy feelings

Is happiness same for all of us? If I give a certain amount to few people, some may become very happy, and some may become angry and some will not care either way. Am I making myself clear? Happiness is not something that we feel in equal measure. I may be very happy when I watch the star lit night, but you may enjoy only the bright sunshine. Each one of us has his/her own happiness.

Some of us are happy when we get a large amount of money, some when they can do lot of creative work, some when they can make others feel good and so on. All of us have our unique set of values and desires. We ourselves many times do not know about them. It becomes difficult therefore to know how to keep others happy and this ignorance causes most of interpersonal problems. These differences in our emotional reactions make us human beings.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Why Unsolicited Advice Giving Is Not Advisable


Often in our interactions with family and friends, problems being encountered would inevitably be brought up. Inevitably too, in trying to be helpful, we often react by giving advice on how to solve the problem.

However, this is generally not recommended, for the following reasons:

We assume we know what the problem is and forget to be a listener, to find out enough details about the problem and the other person’s point of view.

We forget to extend empathy to the woes of the other person.

We get ‘credit’ for being the one to give the advice since the advice is likely to be something that the adviser has done, or others have done that was successful. If the listener does not succeed or had done it before but it was not successful, the implication is that it is not because the advice was not good, but the listener has not applied it well. This tends to make the advisee feel stupid and incompetent.

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here

When we give advice, we’re talking ‘down’ to the other person as we become the ‘expert’. We’re so eager to talk and show our knowledge and ‘wisdom’ that we do not interact at an ‘equal’ level with the other person. We take on the position of ‘expert’ and might tend to forget that the other person also has knowledge to share with us.

We are giving the message that we think the person cannot work out the solution himself. This is disempowering for the other person.

We belittle the efforts that have been taken by the person. We become the evaluator of what the person has done rather than helping him/her to self-evaluate.

Example of Advice Giving:

A: Jolyn and I are having problems. We have been having more quarrels lately.

B: Hmm I’m always thought both of you were not suitable for each other. (B is getting credit for his prediction. B is not asking questions to find out more about A’s problems)

A: Well, we were getting along well. But I’ve been very busy with work recently and haven’t had time to go out with her. She feels I’m spending too much time on work.

B: It shows she does not understand you (B is assuming he knows what the problem is). Maybe you should break up with her (advice giving, implying A cannot work out a solution). It could be a blessing in disguise.

A: I’d be miserable. Don’t know what I’d do without her.

B: You’ll get over it (B is not extending empathy to A). I did too when I broke up with Doris 2 years ago. (B is giving himself credit)

A: I sent her roses to make up, but it doesn’t seem to work.

B: I don’t think that will work with her (evaluating what A has done). Since she wants time with you, just put aside your work and make time for her.

A: I have deadlines to meet.

B: Well, you must decide what you want (this is not likely to be helpful to A’s dilemma and might make him feel stupid and incompetent instead.)

Using Questions in conversations is generally more helpful as it helps the other person think through the issues that they have. Example is this conversation below:

A: Jolyn and I are having problems. We have been having more quarrels lately.

B: I’m sorry to hear that (extending empathy). Would you like to tell me more about it? (being a listener, to find out details of problem)

A: I’ve been really busy with my work and haven’t had time to go out with her. She feels I’m spending too much time on work.

B: Has it always been this way with your work?

A: No, it’s these recent two months because of a big project. Deadlines to meet and other work pressures.

B: Must be tough on you. (Extending empathy to A and indirectly giving credit to A for holding up)

A: Yah but I do need to make time for Jolyn I have been working too hard. I should ease up a bit (self-evaluation). I think I’ll send her some flowers afterward and then call her for a dinner date tomorrow. (Coming up with his own solutions)

B: All the best

Learn- Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-Confidence, Organization, and Sales Success for personal and or business from the leading authority in the industry Brian Tracy: Click Here


Does Free Makes It Easy? – You’ve got to give to GET

  Why Free Makes It Easy – You’ve got to give before you get principle. Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type...